Here you will have the opportunity to meet new people, ask questions and develop a deeper relationship with God.  This is also a chance to discover your purpose within the vision and mission of Good News.

Welcome Lunch

The WELCOME LUNCH is our way of saying welcome to Good News Community Church. It is an informal time to chat and have lunch where we get to know YOU,
as well as allow you to get to know US.

We currently hold Welcome Lunches every 3 months. Contact us to register for the next Welcome Lunch.

Starting Line

Wondering about God, Jesus, or the Bible? Why not check out Starting Point? If you’re new to faith, just checking it out, or coming back to church after some time away, Starting Line is a great first step.

Starting Line is a conversational group, a safe place to explore faith and experience community. Your curiosity deserves a conversation.

This 4-week course is a conversational small group environment designed for you.

Talking Point

Does the idea of spending time with God overwhelm you? What is the purpose of a Quiet Time with God? With an already hectic schedule what makes it worth the time and effort? What do I read when spending time with God? There’s so many versions of the Bible, which one is best to use? I’m not sure where to begin?

Talking Point will answer these questions and more. Don’t let it be another thing to do, on top of the already overwhelming list of things to do. but as an opportunity to learn how to deepen your relationship with God.

You will discover God in a more personal way.

Connecting Point

Connecting Point provides an opportunity
for people to find a place where they fit
and can connect in. This 4-week class walks through what Good News Church believes, who we are as a church, why it’s important to belong, and how Good News functions as a church.

By the end of the 4 weeks, you’ll get further connected and have a clear next step toward joining a Life Group, finding a place to serve and what it looks like to be an Owner (Member) at Good News Community Church.

This class is required for Ownership with Good News Church.

Sharing Point

The idea of sharing your faith may seem intimidating, even more than the thought of public speaking.  If that's you, you're not alone. 

Sharing Point is a 6 week class where you will learn how to comfortably and confidently share your faith whith those in your life.  You'll find out that sharing your faith is not so much a one time event as it is a lifestyle.

Taking Point

A basic description of real leadership is the duty and call of a trustworthy pathfinder, to take the lead with courage and character, and to risk leading where the people need to go and how they need to be led. It is a position that seeks, truth, instruction, love, vision, opportunities, and needs and then motivates others to get it done through the resources, talents, and time they can contribute.

You’ll discover in this 6-week class how to Take Point with courage and character. By the end of this class you might be ready to assume the lead position of a Life Group or ministry team.